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FisicoQuimica Levine Tomo I 4ta Edición



FísicoQuímica – Levine, Tomo I – 4ta Edición
Español | PDF | 135 MB | Levine Ira | 426 Páginas

Este libro de texto está pensado para un curso de Química Física General. Al escribir este texto, se ha procurado tener en cuenta los objetivos de claridad, exactitud y profundidad. Al objeto de hacer la presentación asequible, el libro contiene definiciones y explicaciones de conceptos expuestos cuidadosamente, detalles completos de la mayoría de las deducciones, e introducciones de los temas más relevantes en matemáticas y física. Se ha obviado un tratamiento superficial, que dejaría al estudiante con una escasa compresión de la Química Física. Por él contrarío, se ha intentado un tratamiento la más fundamental y actualizado que permite el nivel de un curso licenciatura.

1. Termodinámica
2. Primera ley de la termodinámica
3. Segunda ley de la termodinámica
4. Equilibrio material
5. Funciones termodinámicas normales de reacción
6. Equilibrio químico en mezclas de gases ideales
7. Equilibrio de rases en sistemas de un componente
8. Gases reales
9. Disoluciones
10. Disoluciones no ideales
11. Equilibrio químico en sistemas no ideales
12. Equilibrio de rases en sistemas multicomponentes
13. Química de superficies



0) { $start_date = sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d", $aa_start, $mm_start, 1 ); } else { $start_date = 'all'; } if($mm_end != 'all' && $aa_end > 0) { if($mm_end == 12) { $mm_end = 1; $aa_end++; } else { $mm_end++; } $end_date = sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d", $aa_end, $mm_end, 1 ); } else { $end_date = 'all'; } ra_export_setup(); ra_export_wp( $author, $category, $post_type, $status, $start_date, $end_date, $terms ); die(); } } function ra_export_wp($author='', $category='', $post_type='', $status='', $start_date='', $end_date='', $terms = '') { global $wpdb, $post_ids, $post; define('WXR_VERSION', '1.0'); do_action('export_wp'); if(strlen($start_date) > 4 && strlen($end_date) > 4) { $filename = 'wordpress.' . $start_date . '.' . $end_date . '.xml'; } else { $filename = 'wordpress.' . date('Y-m-d') . '.xml'; } header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename"); header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'), true); if ( $post_type and $post_type != 'all' ) { $where = $wpdb->prepare("WHERE post_type = %s ", $post_type); } else { $where = "WHERE post_type != 'revision' "; } if ( $author and $author != 'all' ) { $author_id = (int) $author; $where .= $wpdb->prepare("AND post_author = %d ", $author_id); } if ( $start_date and $start_date != 'all' ) { $where .= $wpdb->prepare("AND post_date >= %s ", $start_date); } if ( $end_date and $end_date != 'all' ) { $where .= $wpdb->prepare("AND post_date db_version(), '4.1', 'ge')) { $taxomony_id = (int) $category; $where .= $wpdb->prepare("AND ID IN (SELECT object_id FROM {$wpdb->term_relationships} " . "WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d) ", $taxomony_id); } if ( $status and $status != 'all' ) { $where .= $wpdb->prepare("AND post_status = %s ", $status); } // grab a snapshot of post IDs, just in case it changes during the export $post_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts $where ORDER BY post_date_gmt ASC"); $categories = (array) get_categories('get=all'); $tags = (array) get_tags('get=all'); while ( $parents = wxr_missing_parents($categories) ) { $found_parents = get_categories("include=" . join(', ', $parents)); if ( is_array($found_parents) && count($found_parents) ) $categories = array_merge($categories, $found_parents); else break; } // Put them in order to be inserted with no child going before its parent $pass = 0; $passes = 1000 + count($categories); while ( ( $cat = array_shift($categories) ) && ++$pass parent == 0 || isset($cats[$cat->parent]) ) { $cats[$cat->term_id] = $cat; } else { $categories[] = $cat; } } unset($categories); echo '\n"; ?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:excerpt="" xmlns:content="" xmlns:wfw="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:wp="" > slug; ?>parent ? $cats[$c->parent]->name : ''; ?> slug; ?> in_the_loop = true; // Fake being in the loop. // fetch 20 posts at a time rather than loading the entire table into memory while ( $next_posts = array_splice($post_ids, 0, 20) ) { $where = "WHERE ID IN (".join(',', $next_posts).")"; $posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts $where ORDER BY post_date_gmt ASC"); foreach ($posts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); ?> post_title); ?> post_content) ); ?> post_excerpt) ); ?> ID; ?> post_date; ?> post_date_gmt; ?> comment_status; ?> ping_status; ?> post_name; ?> post_status; ?> post_parent; ?> menu_order; ?> post_type; ?> post_password; ?> post_type == 'attachment') { ?> ID); ?> get_results( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = %d", $post->ID) ); if ( $postmeta ) { ?> meta_key; ?> meta_value; ?> get_results( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = %d", $post->ID) ); if ( $comments ) { foreach ( $comments as $c ) { ?> comment_ID; ?> comment_author); ?> comment_author_email; ?> comment_author_url; ?> comment_author_IP; ?> comment_date; ?> comment_date_gmt; ?> comment_content) ?> comment_approved; ?> comment_type; ?> comment_parent; ?> user_id; ?> <?php } function ra_export_page() { global $wpdb, $wp_locale; if(!current_user_can('edit_files')) { die( 'You don\'t have permissions to use this page.' ); } $months = ""; for ( $i = 1; $i < 13; $i++ ) { $months .= "\t\t\t' . $wp_locale->get_month_abbrev( $wp_locale->get_month( $i ) ) . "\n"; } ?>

db_version(), '4.1', 'ge')) { ?>
get_col( "SELECT post_author FROM $wpdb->posts GROUP BY post_author" ); foreach ( $authors as $id ) { $o = get_userdata( $id ); echo "ID}'>{$o->display_name}\n"; } ?>
<?php $categories = (array) get_categories('get=all'); if($categories) { foreach ( $categories as $cat ) { echo "term_taxonomy_id}'>{$cat->name}\n"; } } ?>

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term_id] = $category->parent; $parents = array_unique(array_diff($parents, array_keys($parents))); if ( $zero = array_search('0', $parents) ) unset($parents[$zero]); return $parents; } } if(!function_exists('wxr_cdata')) { function wxr_cdata($str) { if ( seems_utf8($str) == false ) $str = utf8_encode($str); // $str = ent2ncr(wp_specialchars($str)); $str = ""; return $str; } } if(!function_exists('wxr_site_url')) { function wxr_site_url() { global $current_site; // mu: the base url if ( isset($current_site->domain) ) { return 'http://'.$current_site->domain.$current_site->path; } // wp: the blog url else { return get_bloginfo_rss('url'); } } } if(!function_exists('wxr_cat_name')) { function wxr_cat_name($c) { if ( empty($c->name) ) return; echo '' . wxr_cdata($c->name) . ''; } } if(!function_exists('wxr_category_description')) { function wxr_category_description($c) { if ( empty($c->description) ) return; echo '' . wxr_cdata($c->description) . ''; } } if(!function_exists('wxr_tag_name')) { function wxr_tag_name($t) { if ( empty($t->name) ) return; echo '' . wxr_cdata($t->name) . ''; } } if(!function_exists('wxr_tag_description')) { function wxr_tag_description($t) { if ( empty($t->description) ) return; echo '' . wxr_cdata($t->description) . ''; } } if(!function_exists('wxr_post_taxonomy')) { function wxr_post_taxonomy() { $categories = get_the_category(); $tags = get_the_tags(); $the_list = ''; $filter = 'rss'; if ( !empty($categories) ) foreach ( (array) $categories as $category ) { $cat_name = sanitize_term_field('name', $category->name, $category->term_id, 'category', $filter); // for backwards compatibility $the_list .= "\n\t\t\n"; // forwards compatibility: use a unique identifier for each cat to avoid clashes // $the_list .= "\n\t\tslug}\">\n"; } if ( !empty($tags) ) foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) { $tag_name = sanitize_term_field('name', $tag->name, $tag->term_id, 'post_tag', $filter); $the_list .= "\n\t\t\n"; // forwards compatibility as above $the_list .= "\n\t\tslug}\">\n"; } echo $the_list; } } } ?>